Friday, April 25, 2008

It's Spring! The crabapple is lovely

This is the view out one of my windows this morning. The shade from the house shows, but I wanted to get a picture before the scattered thunderstorms predicted for today shred the flowers. It is a lovely bright day, with Spring obviously in full bloom.

Here is a close up to give you an idea just how beautiful these flowers are. There is a pear tree out in the yard that is also in full bloom. Hopefully I'll get a chance to get out there for pictures, if the wind dies down a little.

Spudnick Update Pictures

I've been getting some spinning in, and this fleece sure is wonderful. I've had hundreds of hours of fun with it and I've got a lot yet to go. Here is a picture showing some of what I've gotten spun up. The big gray skein is from what I spun last summer, as is the small silver-white ball. The rest are what I've spun this winter.

The 2 shades on the lazy kate are singles, not yet plied. I'll wind them into a center pull ball to ply them. I'll be starting on the next shade, a much lighter gray, like a mix of the silver-white and lightest gray shown here.

I posted 2 pictures as they came out slightly different due to the flash, to give an idea of the shades in different light.